My parents threw a party at our house when we were there, it was a lot of fun. My parents, brother and me all invited a bunch of people so there where about 75 people in my parents living room. But that was not the only thing...they also invited a live the living room. In the morning we transformed the living room into a pub with old rugs on the floor and curtains for the sound and we set up some tasty foods. It was crazy to have people dancing and jamming in the living room but it was cool! My parents friends where the best and most active dancers/twisters (what is happening to our generation?).
(My mom had the idea to have "smokers blankets", blankets to keep the smokers warm outside)
Since there where quite a few musicians at the party other friends where picking up the mic (or guitar..or drums) to play some songs.
A grolsch beer of course!
My friend lotte and her dad...come on let's twist again..!
My brother Wout with his girlfriend's (Eliza) dad and brother...all three great musicians.
3 opmerkingen:
Jeee! Eindelijk weer nieuwe berichtjes! Het was echt superleuk in Aalten inderdaad! Hopelijk ben je weer gewend aan je daily life daar. Ik vond het erg fijn om jullie weer te zien! Heel veel liefs en we keep in touch!
p.s. mijn webcam doet het nog steeds niet..installeren duurt langer dan verwacht..snel een keertje skypen anyways?
xxx Connie
Haa Janneke,
leuk om de foto's van de jamsessie weer terug te zien :) Jammer genoeg heb ik er niet zoveel van gezien. Na een uurtje ben ik thuis weer in bed gekropen met de buikgriep ;) Jij wel weer helemaal opgeknapt? Hoe is het om weer terug te zijn na 2 weekjes Nederland? Groetjes daar!
Groetjes van Nienke (en de rest van de familie Penterman)
It was fun to be able to read your blog this time (thanks for the english!) and see all the pics! Looks like you guys had a great time!
love u guys!
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